Monday, October 27, 2008

10 Reasons to NOT get a flu shot this year!

The time of the year has come where we start hearing the tales of flus & colds going around in our communities. It is no secret that I take a holistic viewpoint when it comes to the age-old question: “Should I get a flu shot this year?” I always reply with a resounding “NO!”.

Here are some reasons to avoid the flu vaccine and let your own body’s defenses work to keep you happy & healthy:

10) Health Canada and the WHO take a ‘pick’ as to which flu virus they suspect will be the predominant in the upcoming winter season. The flu vaccine is no guarantee that you will not get the flu.

9) The flu vaccine will impact your body’s own defense mechanism by introducing the antigen in a very unnatural way (i.e., directly into the bloodstream rather than through indirect contact as with most flu viruses).

8) There is leading research that shows that vaccines may be linked to autism, ADHD and dyslexia in young children.

7) Most vaccines are made in cells from chicken eggs, making the risk of allergic reactions higher.

6) Vaccines severely impact the immune system, leaving the body open and vulnerable to any other potential threats in the natural environment.

5) There are many effective anti-viral natural remedies that are available. Many people forget how powerful herbs and/or homeopathic remedies can be - and without side effects!

4) Vaccines have been shown to only offer temporary immunity, rather than permanent natural immunity via the body’s own immune system.

3) Vaccinations add to the profits of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. Even though we are fortunate enough in Canada to have medicare - do they really need any more money?

2) While irritating, getting a flu is a normal & healthy reaction of a functioning immune system. It is most often an indication that something is out of balance and that rest and fluids are necessary. With our busy lives, we often forget that taking time to relax is crucial. A flu has the ability to force us to slow down, and over the long-term allows us to stay balanced in our lifestyles.

1) Most, if not all, vaccines are preserved with thimerosal, a form of Mercury. Many also contain aluminum, both of which are known neuro-toxins, and there is evidence that links mercury exposure to development of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Here are some quick tips on natural alternatives that can help keep your immune system strong through the winter months:

- drink lots of water
- keep intake of antioxidants high by eating fresh fruit & vegetables
- use anti-viral herbs such as St. John’s wort, echinacea, or oil of oregano to keep immune function optimal
- get enough sleep
- ensure enough exercise to optimize circulation, and waste removal from the body

If you have questions on how to improve your immune health, email for more information.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree, BS.

Jenn said...

It's always welcome when Mr. or Mrs. "Anonymous" leaves their uneducated comments here.